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James Balfour

Published on 07/11/2024

James Balfour
BALFOUR James (Batty) Trory, Enniskillen 28th September, 2024 We, the family of the late Batty Balfour, wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all who supported us and sympathised with us during our recent bereavement. Our heartfelt thanks to those who attended the wake at Trory, lined the route of the funeral cortege or attended the funeral at the Sacred Heart Church, Irvinestown. Many thanks to all who called at the house, sent mass or sympathy cards, telephoned or sent kind messages, all which continue to provide solace and strength in our sad time of loss. We wish to thank Canon Kevin Duffy and Canon Michael McGourty for their constant spiritual support to Batty over the years. Our special thanks to Canon McGourty for so carefully preparing and celebrating Batty's Requiem Mass and homily. Many thanks to Gerry McNulty and Aideen McGirr for their beautiful music during the Funeral Mass. We wish to acknowledge and thank all the wonderful health care professionals who cared for and supported Batty over the last number of years. Special thanks to the Doctors and Staff of Lakeside Medical Practice, Enniskillen, the District Nurses at Irvinestown Health Centre, the Hospital at Home, Palliative Care Team, Marie Curie Nurses and Corry's Pharmacy, Enniskillen. Our gratitude to our Funeral Director Claude McKervey and Patsy Dolan for the dignified and sympathetic support and professionalism shown throughout the time of our loss. Many thanks to the Gravediggers for preparing Batty's final resting place and to Mahon's Hotel, Irvinestown for their welcoming and warm funeral reception. Finally, we will forever be indebted to the wonderful private carers who provided such gentle care, compassion and support to Batty in his final years. We give thanks for a life well lived and pray that Batty's gentle soul may now rest in peace. ________ Batty's Month's Mind Mass will be held in the Sacred Heart Church, Irvinestown at 11.00am on Sunday, 10th November, 2024.


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