The Slieve Russell Hotel in County Cavan has been closed following a norovirus outbreak which has affected residents, staff and customers.

The hotel, once owned by Sean Quinn’s family, informed the Healthy Safety Executive after a number of people had suffered from vomiting and diarrhoea illness.

A spokesperson for the HSE said clinical testing has confirmed that this outbreak was caused by the Norovirus infection.  

“There is presently a high incidence of this infection in the community in Ireland and outbreaks have been noted in hospitals, residential care homes and schools throughout the country.”

Hotel staff are working closely with HSE to implement the recommended measures and minimise the risk of further infections in the hotel. Despite this, further instances of transmission of the virus continued to occur.  

HSE Public Health and Environmental Health staff met with hotel management on December 19 and agreed that additional measures including a full deep-clean of all surfaces and furnishings in the hotel would be required.

“In order to achieve this, the hotel has closed. It will re-open as soon as all possible environmental sources of the virus have been disinfected.

“The HSE and hotel management deeply regret the inconvenience this closure will cause to patrons of the Slieve Russell but consider this action as necessary to safeguard public health.”