A man who was collecting money from members of the public while saying it was for the Cancer Research UK charity has been found guilty of fraud by false representation.

Appearing at Fermanagh Magistrates Court, Thomas Maughan (24) of Main Street, Lisnaskea raised £122 and €23 by doing this.

On July 16, 2019 police received a report of a male calling at a home saying he was collecting for the cancer charity. The person in the house asked to see some identification to verify the caller but the defendant could not produce any. They also took a record of the car Maughan got into which was a Toyota Avensis with a Fermanagh registration plate.

The car was stopped in Lisnaskea while Maughan was on his way home. A search of the car recovered sponsorship sheets from Cancer Research UK and that money had been received between June 30, 2019 and July 16, 2019. During investigations it was discovered that Maughan had registered with the charity but not until after his arrest. While being interviewed the 24 year old told police that he had transferred the money to the charity but that was not true. He then told them the money he had collected was in an envelope in his mother and father’s house and that he was struggling for money at the time and he would have probably kept £30 for food.

District Judge Steven Keown described Maughan’s actions as a “nasty offence” and although he gave him credit for his early plea he requested a pre-sentence report due to the seriousness of the charge. Maughan had not paid back any of the money he had collected but had four weeks before his next appearance to make restitution.

He is due to appear again at Fermanagh Magistrates Court for sentencing on March 30.