A SPIRITED protest was made at a large demonstration at Pettigo, County Donegal on Friday last (the occasion being the Relief of Derry anniversary), calling upon the Government to release three Protestant young men who had been arrested in connection with the Dromore (County Tyrone) murders, six months ago, or bring them to trial.

Bro. John Collins said that there was no evidence against these young men, and they were held in custody without trial while de Valera and his murdering gang could bring the great British Government to its knees and get them to open the prison doors and let loose upon the country a bunch of murdering scoundrels.


The British Cabinet was only a pack of ignoramuses. (Cheers).

They would make a decree one day.

Last Saturday they made a solemn declaration that McKeown, who had admitted being a murderer, should not be released: they then spent the Sabbath day considering the order given, and on Monday McKeown bid farewell to prison.

He moved that the Government be called upon to release or bring to trial those arrested for the Dromore crime.

Major Moore said that he felt very deeply on this subject.

It was appalling that men of a certain description were being let out of jail, while their poor people were being kept in and not brought to trial.

There was something very wrong.

He thought, himself, that this was beyond the British Government.


This now was a matter for the Northern Government and it would be the duty of Sir James Craig to see that these people were at once released.

The proposition was put to the meeting and carried; everyone put up their right hand.