IN RESPONSE to queries around alleged academic misconduct at South West College (SWC), the college has said it has taken the necessary steps to “ensure this does not happen again”.

The Impartial Reporter contacted the college after it received allegations of misconduct around one person’s awarding of qualifications.

Questions put forward to the college included when was the college made aware of the allegations of misconduct; did a lecturer at the college have their employment terminated due to misconduct; what process took place to investigate the claims, and how many students were affected by academic misconduct around the awarding of qualifications.

There were also claims that morale amongst staff at SWC in Enniskillen was at an all-time low, with concerns raised on the way the campus is being run by management.

These sentiments were put forward in a staff survey – the results of which, The Impartial Reporter understands, have not yet been fully released to staff.

In response to the questions around alleged academic misconduct, SWC released a comment through Belfast-based PR company, Brown/ O’Connor Communications.

The comment from Interim Principal and Chief Executive of South West College, Colin Lewis, said: “Upon receipt of an allegation of academic misconduct, the college instigated an independent investigation, which was undertaken externally and with the full knowledge and support of the awarding organisation.

“It also worked with the awarding organisation to ensure that qualifications awarded to a small number of students were not at risk.

“The investigation concluded that the college quality assurance and compliance processes are both robust and rigorous.

“The ‘integrity of the academic standard’ is central to the work of the college, and as such, we engage continuously with all our awarding partners to maintain and promote those standards, and in doing so, safeguard awards for all students.

‘Awards remaind valid’

“Whilst the college does not comment on individual employment matters, we would like to assure our learners that those awards remain valid, and the college has taken the necessary steps to ensure this does not happen again.”

In response to questions around the culture review at the college, Mr. Lewis said via the statement: “Earlier this year, South West College commissioned an independent review of the organisation’s culture and structure.

“We are grateful to all those who participated in it. A note to staff was issued on November 19 which communicated the summary findings of this review.

“We also acknowledge the results of the review, which were wide-ranging and both positive and negative.

“We have much to be proud of at South West College, not least of which is the unquestioning commitment by our staff, towards ensuring our learners get the most out of their education.

“Our primary aim is to continue the college’s good work in teaching students and giving people of all backgrounds and abilities the opportunity to learn and grow.

‘Fully committed’

“The college is fully committed to listening and acting on the issues that staff have raised and is committed to working to ensure that, going forward, its structures and management practices are ‘fit for purpose’ and reflective of a cohesive working environment.

“To that end, we have already begun a transformational process to address the concerns raised. Staff and Trade Unions will be kept informed of that work.”

This newspaper followed up with further questions around the initial allegations, again asking to confirm if a staff member’s employment had been terminated in relation to the academic misconduct allegation, as well as the steps taken to avoid this happening again.

The Impartial Reporter also asked who the awarding organisation was, as well as the external organisation who conducted the investigation.

In a short response through the same Belfast PR company, the college said: “As outlined previously, the college does not comment on personnel matters.

“The college has developed and already enacted a Quality Assurance Action Plan to provide robust assurance that incidents such as this do not happen again, including to the relevant awarding organisation.

“This has been welcomed by all concerned.”

Further questions were also asked of the culture review and what was communicated in the summary findings to staff, as well as how broad these findings were, and when will the full report be available to staff.

In response, the college said: “As previously indicated, a note to all staff was issued on November 19.

“This contained an accurate and complete summary of the findings. Staff will continue to be kept updated on progress to address any concerns raised.”