The time period for people to use their £100 Spend Local Cards has been extended, due to some cards arriving late as well as other issues, the Minister for the Department for the Economy has confirmed.

A small proportion of the cards sent in the closing days of the scheme may not have been delivered in time.

In addition, a relatively small number of others may not have an opportunity to use their card before the scheme ended on December 19.

The cards delivered late include cards that were reissued due to being lost, stolen or faulty, and also for those people who applied late, made errors in their applications or did not respond to requests for information within the scheme’s application and verification time period.

The roll-out of additional cards for the reasons outlined above leaves those who have or are only just receiving their cards, or who have not fully used up the preloaded £100, able to use their cards from 9am on Friday, December 24 up until 11.59pm on Friday, January 7.

The Department is aware of a technical issue affecting 2,010 cards on the final weekend of the scheme before its extension.

The vast majority of these cards had less than £5 outstanding balance, while 300 cards had their full balance remaining.

The Department will be in contact with these applicants to let them know they can also use their card from Friday, December 24 up until Friday, January 7, as outlined above.

The Department appreciates that there may be wider issues affecting applications or the use of cards. Now that the scheme has closed, the Department will take stock of the various issues people have faced and consider options for remedy.