Forthill Park in Enniskillen is to reopen to the public in February, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has confirmed.

When works began at the park on April 12, 2021 it was anticipated that they would be completed over a four month period, with the park expected to reopen in September.


Forthill Park Closed. Photo: John McVitty

Forthill Park Closed. Photo: John McVitty


However, in a statement to The Impartial Reporter in mid-September 2021, a Council spokesman explained that the park improvement works were still underway and that they were anticipated to be completed “prior to Christmas”, if weather permitted.

Speaking again to this newspaper in October 2021, the Council spokesman reiterated that it is anticipated that the conservation works on Cole’s Monument will be completed by mid-November and works to the wider park will be completed in December 2021 with the park reopening to the public in the New Year.

The refurbishment of the park includes conservation work to Cole’s Monument. The historic monument has seen significant improvements, with his previous grey colour now a bright white.


Coles Monument. Photo: Anna Marie Hassard

Cole's Monument. Photo: Anna Marie Hassard


The scaffolding surrounding Cole's Monument has been removed, suggesting that works to the monument have been completed.

This week, responding to the question of when the park is scheduled to reopen, a Council spokesman told this newspaper: "The Contractor is currently completing the outstanding areas of work in Forthill Park and it is anticipated that it will reopen to the public in February 2022."