BIG BLAZE AT THE RIGG - Last weekend a large hay barn and all its contents of farming implements and machinery belonging to Mr. Roberts, of The Rigg, near Enniskillen, was burnt down. The police are unable to account for the burning.

It is said that the burning is part of an irregular campaign against Fermanagh, that a document has been captured giving instructions to burn the hay of farmers, especially those who have no arms.

The Irregulars are evidently chary of receiving any risks in the dastardly campaign. 

Whether the allegation that the fire was the work of Irregulars or their sympathisers remains to be proven.

The firing of hay in stack, in  other parts of the country, in Tipperary and Limerick, is part of a plan of campaign to spread ruin and destruction. Any chance of the curfew hour bringing extended safety is now remote; it may be necessary to tighten it – especially in rural districts.


ORGANISATIONS AT WORK - All the political organisation in Fermanagh and Tyrone are working at high pitch in preparation for the forthcoming contest.

The electorate is understood to  number 95,000 people, two thirds of which belong to Tyrone and one third to Fermanagh.

Difficulties are being experienced in the through organisation of the electorate by reason of the fact that nearly all the solicitors, agents, and active workers on both sides are engaged in the revision courts.

It is understood that some hundreds of Nationalists and Sinn Fein voters are now residing in the Free State, and a large number are injured, and others are imprisoned for various offences.


WHERE’S YOUR LIGHT? Heavier fines must be inflicted for those riding bicycles after dark.

In Enniskillen, the minimum fine is 5s and costs.

A cyclist near Irvinestown the other evening had no lights and ran into a cow being driven out of a field.

“Where’s your light?” was the impertinent question of the cyclist, asked of the unfortunate cow with which he came into collision.