Long-standing UUP Councillor Alex Baird has announced his name won’t be on the ballot in this May’s local government election.

First elected to the then Fermanagh Council in 2005, Councillor Baird will have served 18 years as the sole Unionist representative for the Erne West DEA when he retires from the post at the end of the Council term.

Councillor Baird said: “I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a member of the Council. No two days were the same, but if I had to choose from some of the many highlights, I would have to say being twice given the honour of becoming Chairman of the Council would be some of the fondest memories.

“After 18 years, however, and with grandkids that are growing up far too quickly, I’ve decided it’s time for me to take a step back from front-line politics.

“Whilst I’ll remain a committed member of the UUP, I feel it’s now time for the next generation to carry on the mantle.”

The UUP have selected Mark Ovens (34) to contest the election. Until last October, Mr. Ovens served as the Special Adviser to the former Health Minister, Robin Swann.

A married father of two young children, he returned to Fermanagh in 2017 after almost a decade in Belfast. He now lives close to the family beef and sheep farm in Slavin.

Welcoming the decision, Councillor Baird said: “I am delighted with who the local members of the party have selected to run in my place.

“I’ve known Mark Ovens for many years, and I really couldn’t think of a better and more suited candidate to hopefully retain the seat on Fermanagh and Omagh District Council.

“It was great to see previously a young family moving back to Erne West, rather than the all-too-common other way around, and I know between Mark’s interest in farming, as well as his experience of working at the highest levels of government, his skillset would make for a perfect member of the Council.”

Announcing his run for the Erne West seat for this year’s elections, Mr. Ovens said:“I’m delighted to have been selected by the party, and I would pay tribute to Alex Baird, who I’ve got to know very well over these last number of years.

“Living in a rural area such as Erne West, each day I see the many benefits still far outweigh the challenges.

“Fermanagh’s a great place to live and raise a family. The county doesn’t ask for too much, but our fair share of government investment and adequate public services is the very least we deserve.”

He continued: “Whilst the functions of the Council have grown over the past decade, given it’s ratepayers’ money, ultimately all councillors should have an obligation to ensure it’s spent wisely.

“That’s especially important now that as with no functioning [NI] Executive, our councils are the only form of local democracy currently operating in Northern Ireland.

“Working closely with [Minister] Robin Swann until last year, I saw each day the real damage that the political instability at Stormont was causing on our most important public services.”

Referencing the ongoing SWAH crisis, Mr. Ovens said: “For instance, whilst I still believe that the SWAH’s long-term future is secure, there’s no doubt in my mind that its current challenges are being exacerbated by the absence of an Executive.

“That’s why I believe the longer there are no ministers in post, the more important the role of the Council will become.”

Mr. Ovens indicated he was “really looking forward to the weeks and months ahead”, as the countdown to the local council elections in May continue.