A Longford woman who was in Fermanagh visiting her boyfriend was observed swerving over the white lines in the middle of an Enniskillen street by police, a court has heard.

On March 25, at around 11pm police on mobile patrol of Enniskillen were on the Queen Elizabeth Road travelling in the direction of Belmore Street when they observed a Ford Fiesta with a Republic of Ireland number plate driving slowly and swerving over the central white line.

The car was stopped at Belmore Street and officers spoke to Evelyn Donohoe (33), of St. Michael’s Road, Longford.

It was discovered she only had a provisional driver’s licence from the Republic, Enniskillen Magistrates Court heard on Monday.

An evidential reading also carried out returned a result of 46mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath – 11mg over the legal limit.

Dealing with the charges of having no insurance or driving licence, her solicitor, Gary Black, told the court it was a common situation in that she held a Republic of Ireland Provisional licence, and was not aware that it did not cover her to drive in this jurisdiction.

He said there was an insurance policy in place, but because of the licence it was not valid to cover Donohoe.

Mr. Black also added that the vehicle was seized, which would be an added expense for Donohoe.

In relation to the driving with excess alcohol charge, Mr. Black explained that Donohoe had taken a couple of drinks with dinner and had not been expecting to leave her house until her boyfriend called her, asking her to visit, and in an “error of judgement” she decided to drive to see him.

Mr. Black said it was a “very costly decision” for Donohoe, who is a single mother of three, for whom a loss of licence would have an impact on her life.

He also asked the court to give her credit for her early plea and the fact she had been in custody over the weekend.

For no insurance, no driving licence and driving with excess alcohol, Donohoe was disqualified from driving for 12 months, and fined a total of £375.