A Hungarian man who is subject to six Extradition Warrants over alleged criminal activity in his own country has appeared in court after an 11-year-old child told police he was trying to sell her for sex.

It also emerged Zoltan Marko (54), from Glen Road, Drumquin, had been illegally slaughtering pigs on a farm and selling the meat – something he has previously been convicted of.

At this stage, he is charged with child sexual communication on dates between January and March, encouraging her to respond in a sexual manner for his own gratification.

He is also accused of possessing an offensive weapon, namely a knife, on May 22 as well as having ammunition in suspicious circumstances and without a firearm certificate.

A Detective Constable told Omagh Magistrates Court all charges could be connected.

She explained Marko is currently subject to extradition bail while legal proceedings are under way in respect of the six Hungarian warrants.

On March 10 this year, a report was made to police that Marko was offering the 11-year-old child for sex in return for money.

In the course of this, officers became aware of an alleged inappropriate relationship between him and the child.

When seven co-accused men were made aware of the investigation, they fled the country, leaving their employment without notice.

Objecting to bail, the detective said Marko has breached his current bail by not residing at the required address registered with the Extradition Unit.

He also has convictions in Hungary for armed robbery, assault and weapon possession, but absconded before these could be dealt with, the court heard.

The detective continued: “Police also believe he is likely to interfere with witnesses. He has been in contact with the child since she disclosed her allegations, despite being under safeguarding measures, and [despite being] told he was not permitted any communication with her.”

She added: “There is a risk of reoffending, given further alleged offences while awaiting extradition to Hungary.

“He also confirmed to police that he has been slaughtering pigs at a farm and selling the meat, against Environmental Health standards.

“He has previously been convicted of this and dealt with, but has continued on with this activity.”

A defence solicitor told the court his client “vehemently denies” the sexual communication charge, and while it is accepted he has not resided at the required address, he has signed bail with police three times a week.

The correct address was with his previous partner and when that relationship ended, he moved in with another woman.

District Judge Bernie Kelly remarked: “It’s not often I get a defendant who has managed to tick every single objection box for bail, [as] has been managed in this instance.

“Six extradition warrants show a history of failing to attend courts to answer for alleged criminal activity.

“He has a history of breaching bail, and there are allegations of further offences being committed while on bail. He has made contact with the injured party.”

To this, Marko stated: “I didn’t do anything like that.”

Judge Kelly responded: “Didn’t breach bail? Of course you did.”

Marko accepted moving from his registered address, but insisted: “I notified my solicitor and asked him to tell police.”

But Judge Kelly said: “That’s not how it works. On top of all that he made contact with the child after the investigation had commenced.

“It will come as no surprise I am refusing this application for bail.”

Marko was remanded in custody to appear again by video-link on June 20.