A man who let his girlfriend drive his car despite her having no insurance in place has been convicted of permitting no insurance.

On March 26, police stopped a car being driven by a woman on the Belfast Road, Maguiresbridge.

The car belonged to Rhys Johnston (23), of Harryville Street, Drumgoon, Maguiresbridge, and the driver was his girlfriend, Enniskillen Magistrates Court heard on Monday.

Johnston’s solicitor, Michael Fahy, told the court Johnston – who works as a driver – was under the “total misapprehension” that he was authorised to assist his girlfriend in letting her drive.

She was a learner driver, and Mr. Fahy said Johnston was “somewhat horrified” when he was charged with permitting no insurance, as he had assumed, wrongly, that his insurance extended to her.

The court heard said Johnston entered a guilty plea at a very early stage, and because he was in the first two years of getting his licence, six penalty points would mean he would have to resit his test.

Mr. Fahy asked the court to instead hand his client a short disqualification.

For the charge of permitting no insurance, Johnston was fined £350, and disqualified from driving for one month.