A Fermanagh South Tyrone MLA has called for respect to be shown following a repeat of sectarian abuse at an Orange Order Church parade.

Tom Elliott, UUP MLA for Fermanagh South Tyrone, made the calls for respect following sectarian abuse being aimed at members of Kilskeery LOL 463 and Lisnarick District No. 9 when they were parading to Kilskeery Parish Church on Sunday, July 16.

The abuse came from a passing cyclist, and greatly upset those on parade said Mr. Elliott, who was present at the time.

Speaking to this newspaper, he said: “The police were there and at both ends [of the parades], and were letting bicycles through.

“One bike came from the Trillick end, and passed the police and the guy [cyclist] came down past us.

“About three quarters of the way through the parade – almost beside me – he started shouting obscenities, [such as] ‘You f*****s’, ‘Are you not getting enough parading?’, and there was a whole list of stuff I don’t want to repeat.”

Mr. Elliott said he reported the incident to the PSNI officers on duty. Following the service, he was informed that the PSNI had followed the cyclist and had spoken to him.

When asked if there was a trend of sectarian abuse at parades now beginning, Mr. Elliott said: “You’d nearly think there was, but I remember us at a Royal Black Institution parade in Ballinamallard – that is going back 15 years – getting abuse from a car.

“It is not totally new, but it seems to have increased. The difference is, with social media, people are quicker to report it [any such sectarian abuse incidents]. We are hearing more about it, definitely.”

Describing the atmosphere in Kilskeery, Mr. Elliott said: “When you hear it first-hand, it is upsetting, especially for young people in the band.”

Calling for respect in society, Mr. Elliott said: “Whenever I am driving past Gaelic matches, or things like that, or there is a hold-up in the traffic, I don’t get upset with them. You just respect it, and get on with it, and that’s all we ask for too.”

Echoing Mr. Elliott’s comments, the Co. Fermanagh Grand Orange Lodge (CFGOL) expressed its disappointment and frustration over the incident in Kilskeery.

A spokesman for CFGOL said: “Once again, we are extremely disappointed and growing more frustrated that a parade by brethren of the Orange Institution in Co. Fermanagh were subjected to the shouting of verbal abuse and obscenities.

“This incident follows a similar one in June involving Trory LOL 647, which saw the shouting of pro-IRA slogans from the occupants of a car.

“This is a parade to a religious service that has been targeted. It was dignified and respectful, led by Kilseery Silver Band, and included Brethren, Sisters and Junior members.”

Continuing, the spokesman said: “The behaviour by the individual serves once again to highlight that there are some within our community who simply cannot tolerate or respect the rights and views of others.

“While we commend the PSNI for speaking with the individual involved, this incident should never have happened.

“For any parade to be subjected to verbal abuse and obscenities is totally unacceptable – but for a parade to a place of worship to be targeted is simply disgraceful.”

South Tyrone DUP MLA Deborah Erskine also condemned the incident, saying: “It is quite remarkable that someone could be so intolerant to hurl abuse at young people, men and women who are causing no harm whatsoever by worshipping at a church service and celebrating their cultural traditions.

“It’s a sad day when people can not be respectful to others in what is supposed to be a shared society.”

A PSNI spokesperson confirmed the incident had occurred, saying: “Officers on duty in Kilskeery received a complaint about a cyclist from a person participating in a parade.

“The cyclist was located by police and spoken to regarding his conduct.”