Sinn Féin are hosting a People's Assembly next month in the Westville Hotel, Enniskillen as part of their 'Commission on the Future of Ireland' initiative.

The Westville Hotel event on February 22 will be the eighth in a series being organised by Sinn Féin's Commission on the Future of Ireland under the broad theme of: 'The New Ireland is For Everyone – Have your Say'.

Previous Commission events have been held in Belfast, Derry and Donegal and for this latest event, Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald has issued an invitation to political parties and a range of sectoral groups in the Fermanagh and border regions.

Fermanagh South Tyrone MP Michelle Gildernew along with MLA Jemma Dolan have encouraged people to attend the event.

“The Fermanagh People's Assembly offers people in this border region an opportunity to Have Your Say on a new Ireland, how it can be achieved and what it might look like," said Ms. Gildernew.

"The Commission on the Future of Ireland seeks to facilitate a structured conversation on the future of our island. The New Ireland is for Everyone – Have Your Say, are the main pillars of the Commission.

"The People’s Assembly in the Westville Hotel is open to everyone and will examine the impact of the border on this region and discuss the alternatives.

Concluding Ms Gildernew said: “There is growing interest in and support for Irish Unity. But reunification needs to be planned for. That means those of us who want Irish Unity planning for its achievement.

"We must also address the concerns of those who have not yet made up their minds and are unsure how they would vote in a unity referendum. The Fermanagh People’s Assembly is an important part of this process of dialogue in a safe and respectful environment. Bígí linn.”

Miss Dolan said: “A letter of invite from Uachtarán Shinn Féin Mary Lou McDonald TD has gone out to hundreds of organisations, community groups and businesses across Fermanagh Tyrone inviting them to take part in the Fermanagh People’s Assembly on February 22 at 7pm in the Westville Hotel, Enniskillen."

The Fermanagh South Tyrone MLA added: “This is an opportunity for citizens to have their say on all issues pertaining to the future of Ireland. I am inviting people from across Fermanagh to come along and join the discussion on a new Ireland, how it could be achieved and what it might look like.

“The Commission on the Future of Ireland is also an opportunity for alternative proposals to be presented by those with a different vision of Ireland."

The Fermanagh People’s Assembly will have an independent chair to moderate the event and an independent panel which will be announced soon.

Anyone wishing to register to attend the Fermanagh People’s Assembly can do so on Eventbrite - Fermanagh People's Assembly Tickets.

For information on previous events and to make a written contribution visit