Small, positive changes can collectively make a big difference to your life and that certainly applies when it comes to your finances. Try out these four tips and see how much money you save.


Create a budget

If your aim is to save money, creating a budget is one of the most important first steps. 

It’s a fantastic way to gain a clearer picture of your financial situation. 

First, establish what you spend your money on and how much income you have coming in. This will help you see where you can cut out or cut back on small expenses to increase savings in the long run. 

Visit to get help creating your budget. 


Always compare prices 

Since the cost of living started to rise, pretty much everything has gone up in price and it can feel almost impossible to find a bargain these days. 

Things might not be cheap but there are often cheaper alternatives. We can sometimes go for a brand we’ve seen advertised because that exposure makes us trust it more than brands we haven’t heard of.

However, just because a company doesn’t have a big advertising budget, doesn’t necessarily mean what they’re selling won’t do the job you need it to do.

Try cheaper alternatives, and if you like them, great, you’ve saved money! If you don’t, you can always go back to a brand you prefer if you decide it’s worth the extra cost.


Check out helpful websites 

Finding out what the cheapest option is can sometimes be a challenge but there are plenty of helpful websites to give you a good idea. 

Try for tips to help you save on a wide range of different things. Sign up to their weekly email newsletter to get the latest deals, guides and hacks directly from Martin Lewis and the MSE team.

It is also worth checking some of the price comparison websites to see the range of prices for any particular item, especially if it is a relatively costly item such as a laptop or kitchen appliance.

However, remember that for some items, it may be worth paying a little bit more and benefitting from the support of a local business.


Attend a free money course 

Free local money coaching and life skills courses can be super helpful to take your money management skills and financial confidence to the next level.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) runs these free courses in local communities for people of all faiths and none.

Here in Fermanagh and South Tyrone, there are CAP-trained money coaches attached to the Enniskillen Presbyterian Church and the Cavanaleck Presbyterian Church.

In Kesh, there is also the successful Life Skills course run by members of Ardess Parish Church.

Like all CAP services, these courses are open to all and completely free of charge. 


Visit to find out more about the full range of help CAP offers in our local area.


JONATHAN Hayward is the manager of the West NI Debt Centre operated by the Enniskillen Presbyterian Church in partnership with Christians Against Poverty (CAP) which is a UK charity with over 580 services across the UK delivering free Debt Counselling, Life Skills and Money Management courses. ALL these services are freely available to everyone in Fermanagh and South Tyrone. Visit to find out more.