The widow of a Garda sergeant who took his own life in the midst of a Gsoc probe has taken legal action against the Garda watchdog.

Court records show that Collete Galvin, the widow of Michael Galvin, has launched legal proceedings against Gsoc, the Garda Commissioner, Justice Minister and Attorney General.

The case was last mentioned before the High Court on January 12, according to records, and is now awaiting a date for full hearing.

Sgt Galvin (48) took his own life at Ballyshannon Garda station in 2015.

Former Chief Justice Frank Clarke was asked by the Government to inquire into the case. 

He was charged with looking at the conduct of members of Gsoc who carried out a criminal investigation into three Garda members in Co Donegal in 2015.

The three were investigated over their interactions with a woman, Sheena Stewart (33), who was hit by a car minutes after they spoke with her in the early hours of January 1, 2015.

On May 28, 2015, five months into the probe, he took his own life.