In the first of an occasional new series, Fermanagh photographer Stephanie Wiggins presents one of her many stunning landscapes of her home county.

Previously featured in The Impartial Reporter in 2021, Stephanie says: “I’ve been taking photos for the past 14 years, being known as being a real ‘home bird’, and I’m very passionate about Fermanagh and showcasing the many wonderful places we have right on our doorstep”.

For her first shot, Stephanie presents, ‘Calm waters at Devenish Island’.

“Captured early one summer’s morning from Trory Jetty, with not a breeze in the air, Devenish Island can be seen reflecting on still waters.

“Undisputed landscape and nature only just waking up, it was the perfect time to capture such stillness, as only a matter of minutes later the weather conditions changed and it became very choppy and overcast.

“I guess us photographers call that ‘right place, right time’!”

For more of Stephanie’s work, see her Facebook and Instagram pages, @onyourdoorsteph.