A new Minister has been installed at Enniskillen Presbyterian Church.

May 17 was a truly memorable occasion for the congregation of Enniskillen Presbyterian Church as they gathered, with visitors from all over the province, for the service of installation of their new minister, Rev. Steve Kennedy.

The previous minister, Rev. David Cupples, retired at the end of January, 2023 after almost 36 years of ministry, and, following almost 16 months of vacancy,  presided over by the Convenor Rev Günther Andrich, the church welcomed the new minister and his family to the church.

Rev. Kennedy and his wife, Rosie, both from Northern Ireland, have been in Romania as Global Mission Workers under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church since December, 2020.

They return with their two teenage daughters, Julia and Lucy, who will complete their year in their International School in Romania before the family is reunited in July, setting up home in the Presbyterian manse.

Rev. Andrich, currently the Moderator of the Omagh Presbytery, led the service of installation.

This was followed by speeches from the Clerk of Session, Kate Doherty, and Rev. Greg Alexander, from Darling Street Methodist Church, who both extended a warm welcome to the Kennedy family.

Rev. Kennedy spoke at the end of the evening, thanking all who had helped to make their journey of faith to Enniskillen a reality and made them feel so welcome.

Supper was then served to all present.

On Saturday evening, the Lindsay Chorale from Co. Down, conducted by Keith Acheson, also conductor of the Fermanagh Choral Society,  provided a wonderful programme of entertainment in the church that delighted the audience.

For the final item, members of the Fermanagh Choral Society present were invited to join the members of the chorale.

This concert was an opportunity for members of the local community to be introduced to Rev. Kennedy.

The retiring offering came to more than £1,000, which is being divided between Enniskillen Foodbank and Homestart Lakeland.

Sunday morning, May 19, marked the first occasion for Rev. Kennedy to take the service as the now-installed minister of the church.

A spokesperson for Enniskillen Presbyterian Church said it was "a truly wonderful weekend of celebration".