The An Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (Garda Ombudsman) has refused to comment if a complaint exists regarding the death of Kelly Lynch (23).

The remains of Miss Lynch were found in a waterway of the Ulster Canal in County Monaghan on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17.

Miss Lynch had been living in County Armagh but was from the Lisnaskea area.

Her family say they have lodged a complaint with the Garda Ombudsman regarding the handling of their beloved daughter’s death.

A spokesperson for the Garda Ombudsman said: "[An] Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission does not confirm or deny the existence of complaints made by or against individuals.

“This is to protect the investigative process, and the rights both of complainants, and those complained against.”

The family’s complaints centre around how they were informed of Miss Lynch's death, as well as aspects of the investigation by An Garda Síochána that followed.

Julianne Lynch has said that the circumstances around her daughter's death are “stopping us from grieving properly”.

Mrs. Lynch told this newspaper last month about her wide-ranging concerns regarding her daughter’s death.

“The lack of getting immediate statements is one thing we are concerned about,” she said.

“There were people at the scene, but we know that no one was brought in for statements immediately.

“Why weren’t they questioned? Isn’t that the first thing that should have been done?

"It’s a crime scene, as far as our family is concerned. Why weren’t people directly contacted? Why did they [An Garda Síochána] take people’s details, yet never contact them?

“Without a doubt, they [gardai] weren’t doing their jobs properly. We have gotten no reassurance or apology. All we get is ‘no comment’."

Mrs. Lynch also feels that she and her family have not been kept informed about the ongoing investigation.

“We want to know where the investigation is at now, and at what point does it change from being ‘sudden, non-suspicious’, to ‘suspicious’?"

Mrs. Lynch told this newspaper that she is “seething” at An Garda Síochána's handling of her daughter's death, from the “insensitive” phone call from an officer she received on March 17, to what she feels is an “ongoing failure” to properly investigate the case.

When asked for an update on the investigation, a spokesperson for An Garda Síochána said that as an inquest file is currently being prepared, no further comment could be made.

“In relation to the death of a woman in Monaghan town on March 17, 2024, a post-mortem was completed by the State Pathologist.

“As a result of the preliminary findings and consultation with the State Pathologist, the focus of this investigation moved towards the completion of an inquest file for the coroner.

“As the preparation of the inquest file is ongoing, no further comment is available at this time,” replied the spokesperson.