Following a convention in the Westville Hotel, Enniskillen this evening (Thursday), Pat Cullen has been selected by Sinn Féin as its candidate to stand in Fermanagh and South Tyrone in the general election on July 4.

Speaking following the event, Pat Cullen said: “I am hugely honoured to have been selected as the Sinn Féin candidate in Fermanagh South Tyrone for the upcoming Westminster election.

“As a nurse and a union leader, I have witnessed first hand the Tories’ total disregard and disdain for hardworking, ordinary people.

"This election is your opportunity to send a clear message about what you want for the future.

Impartial Reporter: Jemma Dolan, Michelle O'Neill, Colm Gildernew, Pat Cullen, Michelle Gildernew and Áine Murphy at the convention in Enniskillen.Jemma Dolan, Michelle O'Neill, Colm Gildernew, Pat Cullen, Michelle Gildernew and Áine Murphy at the convention in Enniskillen. (Image: Impartial Reporter)

“It's about voting for change and decisions about your life to be made here at home, in the Executive and the Assembly, and fighting for better investment in public services.

“I am determined to deliver for workers, families and communities across Fermanagh South Tyrone.

“Let’s seize the opportunity to return the strongest Sinn Féin team, and keep moving forward to a new and better future.” 

The selection now goes to the party's Ard Comhairle for ratification.