Do you want to learn more about domestic abuse and how you can help those in need of support?

A domestic abuse awareness session will take place next Thursday in Belleek at the Lemon Tree Coffee House.

The session which has been facilitated by Fermanagh Women’s Aid is a joint initiative between business in the local area including Melvin Pharmacy, Garrison and Rooney’s Gift Store, Belleek. A limited number of free tickets are available from the two businesses.

The session will invite those attending to learn about the reality of domestic abuse as well as being able to recognise the signs of domestic abuse and the cycle of violence.

The session will explore the challenges faced by those escaping domestic abuse relationships as well providing information on the work of Women’s Aid as well as advice on sign posting those experiencing domestic abuse to relevant services.

Last May, over £10,000 was raised by businesses in the Belleek area in support of Fermanagh Women’s Aid through a bucket collection.