FUTURE funding for community transport providers in Fermanagh has yet to be decided, Infrastructure Minister John O'Dowd has said. 

Interim funding for organisations such as Dial-a-lift (DAL) and urban Disability Action Transport Scheme (DATS) was allocated from April to June; but questions still remain with this funding set to run out.

Recently, DUP MLA, Deborah Erskine, asked Minister O'Dowd when he will inform Community Transport of its budget position from June 1 onward. 

In response, he said that the overall budget allocation for 2024/25 is "currently being considered", but added that his department has been operating in a "difficult financial environment" due to "underfunding and austerity".

Minister O'Dowd said: "I fully recognise the importance of community transport and how both rural Dial-a-Lift (DAL) and urban Disability Action Transport Scheme (DATS) services continue to help improve access to local health appointments, shops and facilities, voluntary groups, friends and family. 

"These services enable people to be independent and remain connected to their local communities.

"In the absence of an agreed budget at the beginning of the financial year, I have approved interim funding for both DAL and DATS for April to June 2024 based on 2023/24 funding levels to support continued provision of community transport. 

"My officials provided this update to those organisations on 1st May 2024. The overall budget allocation for 2024/25 is currently being considered."

The Minister added: "The value of our infrastructure cannot be overstated, and I will continue to work with Executive colleagues to ensure appropriate investment is made."