Mannok staff stirringly collected a notable sum of £2514.34 on May 24 for Cancer Focus NI as part of the Charity Shop Challenge.

In a bid to raise important funding for cancer research and engage the local community, employees from Mannok facilitated a 'takeover' of a Cancer Focus store in Enniskillen, battling other companies in a similar task across Northern Ireland.

A disease that has touched many at Mannok, cancer's devastating effects motivated their involvement and reinforced the firm's commitment to sustainability.

By selling donated goods in the shop along with conducting street collections, staff actively supported a worthy cause. Mirroring their company's identity, volunteers transformed the Enniskillen charity shop with a distinct Mannok theme on the day of takeover.

Duties varied from arranging donated items in the storage room, managing the storefront, and serving customers at the cash registers, with a palpable high spirit in the air.

Beyond shop boundaries, staff utilised strategic spots throughout Enniskillen town centre to engage in street collections. Local supermarkets, Rooney’s Eurospar and Dunnes Stores, generously allowed collections on their premises, underscoring a communal effort for the cause.

According to the final tally, £425.75 was raised through in-store purchases, and the street collection contributed an additional £1621.68.

Particularly noteworthy was the contribution from Mannok's educational partner, St Michael’s College.

The Enniskillen school raised a remarkable £466.91 by hosting a prize raffle for a family pass to the beloved Emerald Park, sponsored by Mannok.

The Charity Shop Challenge emerged as an excellent platform for Mannok to contribute to the fight against cancer effectively while fostering team spirit amongst staff.

The commendable effort saw Mannok employees aiding Cancer Focus not just in financial terms but simultaneously bolstering the charity's public visibility.

Mannok expressed gratitude towards everyone who visited the store on the day, purchased items or generously donated to the street collectors.

Moreover, the company conveyed its heartfelt appreciation to all employees who offered their assistance in this effort.

Indeed, the day served as a testament to team work and solidarity in the face of adversity.