The new Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council have taken up office at the Annual General Meeting held in Enniskillen Townhall tonight.

The Chairperson’s role has been taken by Councillor John McClaughry, Ulster Unionist and Vice Chairperson is Councillor Elaine Brough, Sinn Fein.
They replace outgoing Chairperson Councillor Thomas O’Reilly and Councillor Anne Marie Donnelly, both Sinn Fein.
Committee Chairpersons have also been appointed as follows:
Environmental Services Committee – Councillor Garbhan McPhillips, SDLP
Regeneration and Community Committee – Councillor Stephen Donnelly, Alliance 
Policy and Resources Committee – Councillor Victor Warrington, Ulster Unionist