County Fermanagh Grand Orange Lodge held their Murdered Brethren Memorial Parade Service last Sunday afternoon, June 2 in Enniskillen.

This parade has been held annually since 2009 in memory of 31 members of Lodges in the county who were killed during The Troubles.

The County Grand Master,  Mervyn Byers along with County Officers and representatives from each District Orange Lodge across the county, laid a wreath at the memorial plaque at Enniskillen District Orange Hall prior to parading to Hollyhill car park with Enniskillen Pipe Band to join the rest of the main parade.

The main parade stepped off at 2.15pm from Hollyhill car park under the command of Chief Marshal, Gary Wilson.

The parade was led by the County Standards, carried this year by members of Tempo District No. 16, and followed by the County Grand Master, Mervyn Byers; the Deputy Grand Master of Ireland, Harold Henning; Deputy County Grand Master, Norman Donaldson; County Grand Mistress, Anna Moffitt; and other Officers and guests.

Lisnaskea Silver Band was the first band and was followed by a large contingent of Junior Orange members and the ladies' Lodges.

The bands attending this year were Lisnaskea Silver Band; Ballymagroarty Accordion Band, County Donegal; Enniskillen Pipe Band and South Fermanagh Flute Band.

The parade paused briefly at the cenotaph in Belmore Street as it passed to lay a wreath on behalf of the Orange Order.

The wreath was laid by the County Grand Master along with representatives from the Grand Lodge of Ireland, the Women’s Orange Lodge Association, the Junior Boys Orange Lodges and the Junior Girls Orange Lodges.

The Very Rev. Dean Kenneth Hall welcomed everyone into the cathedral, which was full for the Service.

Dean Hall led the Service and the sermon was delivered by the Cathedral Curate, Rev. Dr. Edwin Aiken.

The lessons were read by David Young from the RUC GC association, Alan Gault from the UDR CGC association, and Harriett Kirkpatrick, a family member of one of the 31 murdered brethren.

The collection lifted during the Service is to be donated to the RUC GC and UDR CGC benevolent funds and the Orange Widows funds.

After the Service, the parade returned to Hollyhill car park for dispersal.