Concerned parents in Irvinestown have raised alarms over the lack of road safety signs outside local schools and playgroups.

The parents from Irvinestown Cross Community Playgroup contacted Democratic Unionist Councillor David Mahon on the issue who made representations to the Department for Infrastructure.

He said: “I had been contacted by parents who are deeply concerned about the safety of their children outside of the school at drop off and pick up times.

“They made a simple request to me to ask for signs to be erected to advise road users to be aware.”

He explained that he contacted representatives of the Department who informed him that they could not erect any signs as they are "not permitted to do so outside private nurseries".

Councillor Mahon said: “This was an unbelievable response. I and the parents cannot understand how a difference could be made on a safety issue just because the nursery happened to be privately operated.

“I raised this at Council which was followed up by a letter to the Department seeking clarification on this issue. After various correspondence, we were advised that surprisingly it does not have a policy in place about this issue.”

Councillor Mahon raised the issue again at the meeting of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council on Tuesday evening and proposed that the Council write to Infrastructure Minister John O'Down asking him to address this as a "matter of urgency.".

In addition, Sinn Féin Erne East Councillor Sheamus Greene asked for an update on the progress on the 20mph scheme slow down scheme outside of schools and nurseries that the Department had been reviewing.

Following the meeting, Councillor Mahon said: “I along with the parents look forward to a speedy and favourable response".