Prepare to feast your eyes and belly on the ultimate test of gluttony as this year's Lady of the Lake Festival with its very first Burger Eating Contest.

Sink your teeth into a towering challenge, with a burger so colossal, you'll need buns of steel! Crafted by the culinary genius Stephen Millar of Millar Meats and Fine Foods, Irvinestown, this 1kg patty marvel, weighing in at a whopping three kilos total, is no small fry. Come with an appetite, and leave with a beefy tale to tell.

“It is a competition to see who can eat the burger, “We’re hoping to get a few people of note to do the eating of the thing," said Stephen.

Irvinestown hotelier Joe Mahon will be among those tucking into the giant burger, though Stephen has remained tight-lipped about other potential challengers. The massive burger, pictured here, boasts all the essentials: a specially made bap to hold the patty, a mountain of onion rings, a smothering of cheese, and, of course, some greens including lettuce, red onion, and tomatoes.

Mr. Millar himself has tried to chow down into the burger: “I personally only got half through it like. I was stuffed, absolutely stuffed from eating it. I was calved with the feet up for the rest of the day, I could do nothing.”

The burger-eating competition will be part of the opening night festivities for the Lady of the Lake festival which will open on July 11 and run until July 21.