A very special Newtownbutler resident celebrated her 98th birthday in style on Monday evening, June 10 at a surprise birthday party.

Nan McAdam of Newtownbutler attended the weekly Girls Allowed meeting as usual, where she is the most senior member of the group. 

She always arrives early to meetings and was greeted to a chorus of 'Happy Birthday' and enjoyed playing some games with fellow members. 

Things got livelier with a bit of jiving and a dance of the Siege of Ennis, and the appearance of country singer, Paddy Treacy, much to everyone's delight. But the real surprise of the evening was yet to arrive.

Nan was seated in the centre of the room under two big balloons when country music star Nathan Carter arrived at Newtownbutler Community Centre to a roar from all of the women assembled to celebrate Nan's special day.

It wasn't long before Nan pulled Nathan in for a kiss and a hug. Nathan got down on bended knee to wish Nan a happy birthday and shared a laugh.

He and Paddy Treacy then serenaded Nan and the ladies.

The surprises were still to come as Nan was presented with a bouquet of flowers and was declared the newly appointed and first honorary president of Girls Allowed. 

A spokesperson for the group said: "At 98 years young Nan is an inspiration to us all. Nan shows us how to live life to the full and provides us with craic and witty comments every week!

"We felt it was fitting to appoint Nan on her birthday week, may she have a week filled with lots of celebrations and the odd brandy!"

A video shared by Nathan on his Facebook page has been viewed thousands of times online and captures the pure joy and excitement of the evening.