A NEW war memorial was unveiled in Lisbellaw last Sunday, featuring the names of  74 people who fought in World War One and World War Two.  

The memorial was unveiled during a service of thanksgiving and Remembrance at Lisbellaw District Orange Hall. 

The service was conducted by Bishop Ian Ellis, Rev. Rodney Beacom, John MC Connelly, Mons. Peter O'Reilly and Isobel Stewart.

The unveiling was performed by Sam Carrothers. The parade to and from the service was led by Lisbellaw/Rosslea Accordion Bands and Maguiresbridge Silver Band.

Derek Moutray, Chairman of Lisbellaw Veterans Group, said that the memorial was a "long-term goal" since the establishment of the organisation. 

"Our long-term goal when we established our group in 2015 was to have a war memorial in the village of Lisbellaw, which we thought would never happen in our day," he said. 

"However, an opportunity for funding through the Covid Regeneration Scheme from Fermanagh and Omagh District Council became known to us.

"We submitted an application and were successful in this.

"Through this, we managed to get the Lisbellaw Church of Ireland clock mechanised; two splendid features created from the rock of Lisbellaw, placed at each entrance into the village; and 10 planter boxes that were specifically designed for Lisbellaw, with metal features within them on the Main Street."

He continued: "A significant part of the plan was for the war memorial to be erected to the dedication of the men and women of both world wars, who made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives from the Lisbellaw area.

"This memorial will be there for years to come and will be seen by everyone.

"The children within the community can learn from this and help to encourage them to work together for a future where the sacrifices of the past were not made in vain, whilst also remembering the significance of history and the importance of maintaining peace, going forward."

DUP MLA Deborah Erskine said the new memorial is a "momentous chapter in the history of Lisbellaw".

Referring to the unveiling and dedication of the new war memorial, she added: "Over 70 names are now inscribed on the memorial as a lasting tribute to those from Lisbellaw who fought for our civil and religious freedoms in the First and Second World Wars. 

"Well done to Lisbellaw Veterans Group for having the vision and creating this lasting memorial. 

"May we never forget their sacrifice."