A POLICE officer was forced to "jump into a hedge" to avoid being struck by a car driven by a Newtownbutler man, a court has heard. 

Zacch Donagho (28) from Derrykerrib Road, Newtownbutler, appeared via video-link at Enniskillen Magistrate's Court on Monday, June 17. 

He was facing numerous charges including driving without a license, driving without insurance, failing to stop for police, and dangerous driving.

The court heard how on Saturday, June 15 at 8.46pm, Police were carrying out a checkpoint at the junction of the Tattymoyle and Lisdergan Road, Fintona, to facilitate a band parade. 

Donagho was seen to be approaching a junction in a black BMW vehicle. He slowed down considerably as he approached, but began accelerating in the direction of a police officer. 

The officer signalled Donagho to stop, but he failed to do so, forcing the officer had to "jump out of the way". 

Police communicated via radio transmission that a vehicle was approaching the town of Fintona at speed. They added that a dark-haired female was a passenger in the car. 

The car was located a McGaughey Terrace, Fintona, but police observed how Donagho "turned and went back on himself" and accelerated toward police. 

The officer had to jump into a hedge to avoid being struck. 

This was, the court heard, "a clear, deliberate attempt to hit him (the officer)."

A stinger was deployed, but the vehicle left the scene. 

Police located the female passenger of the car "staggering" down the Tattymoyle Road, and the car was located nearby. 

Police then used thermal imaging to locate Donagho, who was found nearby "hiding behind a tree".

Officers noted a smell of intoxicating liquor, and he was arrested following a breath test. 

In Strabane Custody, Donagho was found to have two driving licenses issued to the defendant under the name of Christopher Donagho with a false date of birth.

Objecting to bail, a police constable said Donagho had a "strong likelihood of reoffending". 

The court heard that Mr Donagho has 18 previous convictions in Northern Ireland, seven convictions in the Republic of Ireland and four convictions in mainland UK.

District Judge, Alana McSorley, said that Donagho had shown a "flagrant disregard" for previous court orders and that she had "no faith" that he would adhere to any bail conditions. 

Refusing bail on the grounds of his previous criminal record and "risk of flight", Judge McSorley ordered that the case be heard again at Omagh Magistrate's Court on June 25.