THE corridors of the old Devenish College will be alive with pupils once again when work on a new school in Enniskillen gets underway. 

Miss Elizabeth Armstrong, principal of Enniskillen Royal Grammar School (ERGS), said that while construction of the new ERGS school takes place, pupils will be taught in the "suitably adapted and refurbished" Algeo drive site. 

Meanwhile, other pupils will also be taught in the existing Cooper Crescent site, with split-site education continuing until the completion of the new ERGS building.

Miss Armstrong said that moving pupils out of the existing ERGS site is an "important next step" for the ambitious project. 

"To facilitate the construction of the new school, ERGS will have to vacate the Lough Shore site during the build period," she explained.

 "A suitably adapted and refurbished Algeo Drive site is the preferred option for the decant.  The existing facilities at Cooper Crescent will remain in operation during the build period.

"Progress on this phase is subject to the granting of planning approval, financial approval from the Department of Finance and the final approval by the Department of Education."

Miss Armstrong added: "Plans for the decant are well advanced to ensure a smooth transition for our pupils and staff."

Miss Armstrong remarked that the school is in "good stead" for this transition, given previous experience of a split-school site. 

"We believe our experience in successfully managing a split site will stand us in good stead as we look forward to this important next step towards our exciting new school build," she said. 

In terms of the new-build school project, Miss Armstrong said that "good progress" has been made, with planning application being progressed by the local Council. 

"The planning team for the new school for Enniskillen Royal Grammar School continue to make good progress working towards completion of the final design details," she continued. 

"A planning application was submitted last year and is currently being progressed by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council."