SINN Féin Westminster candidate Pat Cullen has refused to condemn the Enniskillen and Omagh bombings.

Mrs. Cullen was asked by the Ulster Unionist's candidate Diana Armstrong to condemn the atrocities during a BBC interview with the Fermanagh and South Tyrone candidates yesterday (Wednesday). 

During the interview, Mrs. Armstrong said: "I'm thinking of the nurses that perished in the Enniskillen Bomb and the Omagh Bomb, and I think we have yet to hear a condemnation of those two extreme attacks within this district. 

"So no, I'm not convinced. I've asked for clarification from Pat Cullen on her stance as to Sinn Féin and their affiliation with the IRA, and I would like to hear condemnation of those atrocities."

In response, Mrs. Cullen said: "Look, I have said very clearly those were very dark days. 

"As a community nurse I have held the hands of many people that lived  through those periods. I've felt, I've heard and I've seen their trauma, I've seen what it does to them. 

"Let's not go back there, let's move forward."

The Enniskillen bombing occurred near the town’s cenotaph on Remembrance Day in 1987, killing 12 people.

The Real IRA carried out the Omagh bombing in 1998.