Sruth na hÉirne, the Enniskillen-based Irish language grouping reported a record number of Irish language attendees over the 2023/2024 year ending in mid-June.

At their recent AGM, it was reported almost 500 attendees made Fermanagh House their home in attending weekly classes which also included the start of a youth called “Club Óige”.

In addition, cultural events such as culture night, field trips and a weekly conversation circle attracted up to 450 attendees from throughout the county and beyond.

“It really has been a busy year for a voluntary group promoting the language but more has to be done,” according to its chair Jim Ledwith.

“The challenge is beginning in earnest the work with young people and schools within the Enniskillen area. Without this, there can be no long-term growth in Irish as a living language,” he said.

Reflecting back on a busy year he points to the joy of having youth tutors teaching young people from a range of schools at Club Óige which is held at Fermanagh House on Friday afternoons. Another change has been Sruth na hÉirne’s first-ever membership scheme which attracted 33 paid-up members with a range of fluency in the language.

“We recently held a cross-border event attracting 50 gaelgeoirí under the banner of Conradh na Gaeilge of which Sruth na hÉirne is a registered branch. This was unprecedented in terms of community organising and bodes well for identifying future cross border partners.”

He concluded by pointing forward to working with local schools in helping both pupils and parents to make Irish part of their everyday lives.

Jim also acknowledged the financial support of the local council and An Tultach trust over the year.