AN Enniskillen school has taken part in a  programme to create an inclusive deaf-friendly learning environment.  The programme, which took place at Jones Memorial Primary School, gave pupils the opportunity to participate in interactive sign language workshops.

It was facilitated by the  Controlled Schools’ Support Council (CSSC) and saw over 1200 pupils taught sign language in 33 controlled primary schools.  Mark Baker, Chief Executive, Controlled Schools’ Support Council said: “The CSSC Sign Language programme exemplifies the inclusivity of the controlled sector and how schools serve their local communities.”

Funded by the Department for Communities, the programme gave controlled schools the opportunity to learn a language of need for deaf people.

Parents and staff also attended workshops to share in their children’s learning and increase their own awareness of sign language and the experiences of the deaf community.

One participant of the programme described how ‘Engaging with sign’ supported him and his friends, and asked that everyone learns how to sign stating ,“then I can understand them and they can understand me.”