Pulmonary Fibrosis NI launched the World’s first book to help children learn about the effects of Pulmonary Fibrosis on family members who have received this devastating diagnosis, which has a typical life expectancy of three to five years.

The book was launched on Saturday, June 15 in The Workhouse, Enniskillen, it is written by local woman Clare Donohoe and Janet Bamford with illustrations by Kevin McHugh.  The book is inspired by Clare’s own family’s experience, as her husband was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis at 43, and their children were just 14 and six years old.

At the book launch, attendees heard from several guest speakers including The Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor John McClaughry who opened proceedings and revealed how his own family has been affected by this disease.

Dr. Chaudhuri, MB ChB (Hons) BSc (Hons) PhD FRCP talked about hope for finding a cure and about clinical trials being held in Northern Ireland for the first time.

Julie Hesmondhalgh, Patron of Pulmonary Fibrosis NI, and an actress known to many as Hayley Cropper from Coronation Street and her role as Suzanne Sercombe in Mr. Bates vs the Post Office sent a video of support for the publication of the book.

Michael Darragh McCauley, eight times GAA All Ireland Champion spoke of how Pulmonary Fibrosis has impacted his family as he has lost his father to the disease. His sister Margo had a double-lung transplant eight months ago, and his brother has been diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Michael Darragh and his sister recently featured on The Late Late Show with Patrick Kielty, where they shared their experiences of this devastating disease.  He is the patron of the Irish Lung Fibrosis Association.

Fr. Brian D’Arcy shared his words of wisdom and support for families affected by Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Angeline Day spoke of how both her mother and her father-in-law have both been diagnosed and how useful this book would have been as a resource for her children when they first learned of the disease.

Conor Day, Angeline’s son, read an excerpt from the book, and there were a few words from the creators as the event enjoyed a busy turn-out. 

The book can be purchased from https://simplyorderit.com/collections/pfni or locally from J.T Ryan's bar, Fermanagh Cottage Industries and Vibrant Hairdressers.