A MAGUIRESBRIDGE man who was caught in the driver's seat of a car while intoxicated has been disqualified for a year. 

Roger William Morrison (56) was sentenced at Enniskillen Magistrate's Court on Monday, June 24. 

A prosecutor told the court how on March 13, 2024 at around 11.50pm, police in Maguiresbridge detected an Audi A8 vehicle outside a public house on the main street. 

The driver of the vehicle, Morrison, was found to be asleep in the driver's seat. 

Police noted a strong smell of alcohol and empty bottles in the passenger seat. The keys to the car were seen in the middle console of the vehicle. 

Officers spoke with Morrison, and noted that he appeared intoxicated. He failed a preliminary breath test and was arrested. 

A test of blood in custody revealed a reading of; 120 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.

Defence solicitor, Michael Fahy, agreed that Morrison was "highly intoxicated", but asked District Judge, Alana McSorley, to afford him credit for his plea of guilty. 

Judge McSorley imposed a 12-month driving disqualification and a £250 fine, with £15 offender levy.