A special couple from Maguiresbridge have marked their 50th wedding anniversary in more ways than one with a series of special fundraisers for a charity close to their hearts.

Derek and Heather Phair asked for donations in lieu of presents when they marked their 50th wedding anniversary this year in support of Friends of the Cancer Centre.

Their children - Lorraine Downey, Lindsay Jayne Vance and Rodney Phair - took it one step further and organised a special tractor run to mark the occasion, which has now raised over £5,700 for Friends of the Cancer Centre.

The run took place on Sunday, June 23 in Maguiresbridge.

Lindsay Downey explained that her beloved mum, Heather, has been fighting cancer for several years and has been greatly supported by the Friends of the Cancer Centre.

She received treatment with an experimental drug allowing her to live with a “good quality of life”; the development of the drug was funded by Friends of the Cancer Centre.

In addition, the nurse who works directly with Mrs. Phair is also funded by the charity, and the family were able to avail of a one-off travel grant so they could make the journey to Belfast.

Lorraine wished to emphasise that money raised for the charity will be split between both Altnagelvin Area Hospital and Belfast to help support cancer patients.

The family wanted to give back to the charity that has done so much for them.

Some 54 tractors took part in the run, explained Lorraine.

“A lot of people who would usually be on a tractor watched the run and came and donated. People lined the streets and there were a lot of cancer survivors and families came together and chatted about their stories."

Lorraine wished to pay tribute to her mother, on behalf of the family, praising her mother's “courage and strength and determination to fight on” as she lives with cancer and receives treatment.

Donations can be made via https://tinyurl.com/y43je7pu.