A LOCAL pupil was recognised for her participation and progress in Mandarin Chinese classes at South West College.
Darcey McCutcheon, a pupil of Tempo Primary School, received the award for her YCT1 Mandarin Chinese language studies at the local SWC Erne campus. 

She was nominated by her tutor, Mi Zhou.

“Darcey has distinguished herself as an exceptional student in Mandarin language studies," Ms. Zhou said.  

"In class, she always focuses on the language knowledge and always raises her hand to answer questions.

"When it comes to the role-play part, she always tries her best to practice speaking Mandarin.  

"Darcey spared no effort in the Dragon Poster Competition and created a remarkable piece. She has endless enthusiasm towards Mandarin learning."

Apart from that, Darcey has also been praised for her perseverance and passion for Mandarin, which make her a deserving winner for an outstanding performance. 

Ms. Zhou added: "Her study attitude also inspires others to embrace language learning and cultural diversity. 

"I am confident that Darcey will continue to excel and make significant contributions in her Mandarin language journey.”