A Fivemiletown man is facing a charge of "intentionally exposing his genitals".

Robert David Patton (64) of Nelson Park, Fivemiletown, appeared at Enniskillen Magistrate's Court on Monday, June 9. 

He is accused of intentionally exposing his genitals, intending that someone would see them, and causing alarm or distress, on June 19 of this year. 

The alleged offence is in breach of The Sexual Offences (Northern Ireland) Order, 2008.

He spoke only to indicate that he understood the charge against him. 

A police constable confirmed that they were familiar with the facts and circumstances of the case, and said they could connect the accused with the charges before the court. 

Representing Patton was barrister, Ciaran Roddy. 

He asked Deputy District Judge Rea to "adjourn the case for further instructions."

Judge Rea ordered that the case is heard again at Enniskillen Magistrate's Court on July 22.