A FERMANAGH man is facing a litany of charges including kidnapping, raping and sexually assaulting a woman almost five-years-ago.

Seamus Quinn (66) of Aghaherrish Road, Drumaa, failed to appear at a recent sitting of Dungannon Crown Court, sitting in Newry, on Wednesday, July 3. 

Quinn faces a total of 23 charges, which relate to alleged incidents between October 21 and October 27, 2019. 

He is facing two charges of kidnap/false imprisonment involving a female, with the intention of commiting a sexual offence. 

He is also a further three charges of false imprisonment of a female, and two charges of assaulting a female. 

Quinn is alleged to have made a threat to kill a female on October 22, 2019. 

He is also facing seven counts of rape between October 22 and October 26, and two further charges of sexual assault by penetration. 

Quinn has also been accused of four charges of causing a woman to take chloroform, laudanum, or another stupefying or overpowering drug, with the intent to commit an "indictable offence". 

He is further of intentionally causing a substance to be taken by a woman, who did not consent, with the intention of  "stupefying" her to engage in sexual activity. 

The case has been adjourned to a Crown Court sitting at Laganside Courthouse on Friday, August 2.