THE history of working barge, the 'Wide Awake', will be showcased in Enniskillen if a planning application is successful. 

Applicant, William Anderson, is currently seeking permission to provide a simple lightweight shed for use as an Interpretation Centre located at The Boat Yard, Cornagrade. 

The centre will showcase the  history of the working barge known as the “Wide Awake”, and will also house a non working replica of the barge boiler and a cut away of a  steam engine on the site.

According to the planning application, access into the site is via wooden gates and down  steps formed in precast concrete flags. 

The location of the proposed shed entire site slopes right down to the lough Erne shoreline, and there is a jetty and barge parked to the rear of the proposed site.

The proposed centre will be part of the 'Wide Awake Way', scenic route along the water’s edge and covers ground that holds much interest in terms of heritage and history.