Three Clogher Girl Guides will embark on the trip of a lifetime at the end of the month. 

Georgia Wilson, Elsie Brown and Zara Wright, who are all members of 1st Clogher Girl Guides, are set to jet off to the wilds of Yorkshire for the International Scout and Guide Jamboree on July 27.  

There, they will camp, sing campfire songs, and put the outdoor skills they have learned in recent months to use. They will also rub shoulders with scouts and guides from across the world, including America, Canada, and even Japan!

"We are really looking forward to going away and mixing with so many different cultures," said Georgia, who is a pupil at Enniskillen Royal Grammar School. i

"It's going to be a lot of fun, and it truly is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing!"

Camp Larkin takes place in the beautiful countryside in England’s largest county, North Yorkshire,  just 25 miles from the historic City of York.

"It will be very beneficial for our development as Guides," said Elsie, who is a pupil from Omagh Academy. 

"We will be mixing with different cultures, including Americans, Canadians and Japanese, who are all involved in the scout and guides movement from across the world."

Explaining how this wonderful opportunity came about, Zara, also a pupil at Omagh Academy, said: "Our leader, Sharon, told us about it, and we each  expressed an interest in it and signed up.

"We got to go on a selection weekend, and after that we were about get a place on the Yorkshire camp!"

She continued: "We will be doing lots of different activities, including pitching tents and making campfires. We have learned these things at Clogher Guides, so we will be well-prepared!"

As members of 1st Clogher Guides, Georgia, Elsie and Zara have been busy in recent months. 

Activities as of late include the group's 70th-anniversary colour run and attending a major Guides event at Splash NI, all while working toward attaining new badges. 

Georgia, in particular, boasts an array of badges that she has earned from her time in the organisation. 

When asked what her secret was, she said: "I suppose it's all about attending as much as you can, taking advice from the leaders, and really taking an active interest in the organisation!"