Often it is children who follow their parents into a band, but it was the other way around for the Blair family as the parents followed their children.

Trory Accordion Band is an extended family for the 'Blair Band' with mum Gwyneth, dad Stewart and their five daughters - Bethany, Maddison, Seren, Alexa-Mae and Amelia-Rose - all members.

Gwyneth explained how it all began. “The bandmasters, Alan and Beverley Elliott, are very good friends of ours and they got Maddison and Bethany in when they were young; Maddison was in P2 when she joined and they’ve gradually got us all in, one by one.”

When asked how she managed to get every member of her family to join the band, Maddison joked: “I forced them!

“We started going and all really enjoyed it. I was straight onto the accordion; my sister started on the triangle, and now is on the accordion, and Alexa-Mae is the youngest, and she is on the tambourine."

Six-year-old Alexa-Mae confidently interjected, making a point of telling this newspaper: “I can play accordion too!"

She is a strong advocate for the instrument: “It is very easy. You just start slow and practice at your house; when you are in the band, you just count with the drum and practice and practice.”

Gradually, all the girls joined, explained Gwyneth: “I joined with Alexa-Mae when she turned six.”

Eldest daughter Bethany quipped: “She had no excuse then!”

Dad Stewart added with a laugh: “And I was lonely at home on my own! I was the final piece of the puzzle, and joined a year ago."

Bethany said: “We needed a bit of muscle to play the big drum! We were all interested in music; Maddison is the most musical in the family.”

They were enjoying the day out, eating some biscuits and sandwiches, and remarked it was a good day so far as they relaxed near the field.

“We have enjoyed spending time with our friends; we stay with the band and have a picnic with the band and our friends and it is lovely."

Nearby, Beverley was making tea in china cups from the boot of her car, which had a carefully knitted orange figurine on top, and making sure everyone within her vicinity was fed and watered.

The last time the Twelfth was in Irvinestown, there were only two in the band: “Bethany was away and it was a bit of a wash-out.

“These two were in a double buggy, and Alexa-Mae wasn’t here; how things changed in ten years,” said Gwyneth.

The family were jovial in each other’s company and very keen to see others get out as a family in a band or a lodge.

Bethany said: “Any young person who comes and watches The Twelfth should get themselves into a band or a lodge."

With a twinkle in her eye, she laughed: “You can skip the gym if you play the accordion, because your arm muscles will be big after.”

Promoting Trory Accordion Band, which has become a second family to the Blairs, she added simply: “There is no better band.”