Each year, Clogher Valley Agricultural Society awards a bursary to a CAFRE student who has just finished their first year at college.

The bursary is awarded as a tribute to the late President, Captain Robert Lowry.

This year’s recipient is Jessica McKeown, from near Augher, who is studying Sustainable Agriculture with Agri Business and Land Management at CAFRE Greenmount Campus.

Jessica is a daughter of Maurice and Julie McKeown, well known in farming circles.

Maurice leads a farm contracting team which involves some of their sons, Samuel, Benjamin, Cain and Isaac, and Julie manages the McKeown Bearings business, supplying niche parts for farm machinery.

Jessica, when she is not attending college, looks after her own flock of 70 breeding sheep, but is also well known working in the family farm contracting business, including raking of grass ready for the harvester coming afterwards.

Jessica has already helped with administration in the Clogher Show office over the past few weeks before more duties on the Show Day.