The future of Enniskillen Royal Grammar School's new build remains uncertain as plans advance but funding remains elusive, as discussed in the latest Assembly session.

Education Minister Paul Givan updated members on the status of the new build project at the former Portora Royal School site. "The plans are well advanced," Minister Givan stated. "Final technical design, pre-tender construction estimates, and decant plans for the former Devenish College are being prepared by the appointed integrated consultant team. A planning application for the new build was submitted in March 2023, but no decision on the application has been taken at this time. Any decision to progress the project beyond the current design stage will be dependent on available capital funding."

Ulster Unionist MLA Tom Elliott pressed the Minister for further details on funding. "Has any finance been ring-fenced in the current year's budget to help progress the school?" he asked.

"There is no ring-fenced funding for any school in that respect," Minister Givan responded. "I announced 15 projects that could advance to construction in the current financial year, but this school is still not ready to go to the construction phase. It is important that it can get to that point. Then, of course, where finance can become available, it will allow me to move more schools into that construction stage process. I appeal to Members to support me as I make the case to my Executive colleagues for capital funding that will allow me to take forward not just this project but many others."

Meanwhile, Sinn Féin MLA Áine Murphy took the opportunity to highlight the needs of another local institution. "I welcome the Minister's recent announcement in relation to a much-needed extension for Saint Kevin's College, Lisnaskea. Can he give an approximate timescale for the commencement of that work?"

"I will come back to the Member in writing on Lisnaskea," Minister Givan said. "I had prepared to deal with Enniskillen Royal Grammar School in response to the original question."

Democratic Unionist MLA Deborah Erskine also voiced her concerns and support for the Enniskillen Royal Grammar School project. "The Minister will be acutely aware that I, too, want to see Enniskillen Royal Grammar School progress. Can he indicate what the timescales may be, once the school completes the planning stage? Decanting to the Devenish College site is not ideal either, given that the college moved to a new site and there are issues with that site as well."

Givan acknowledged the challenges, stating, "There are still issues to progress until Enniskillen Royal Grammar School can get to the construction stage. It is not there for bidding for capital because it has not got to a shovel-ready state."

He said the processes must be concluded and explained how the planning permission is still "working through the system".

"Once that is all completed, the school can sit along with other schools in making the application for capital funding. Where capital becomes available, I will be able to announce more new builds. At this stage, the announcements are for this year, but we need to get other schools to the point at which they can commence, subject to the availability of capital."