Sinn Féin MLA Jemma Dolan has voiced strong concerns after the parent of a 16-week-old baby "was unable to access GP services in Fermanagh" at the weekend.

The Fermanagh and South Tyrone MLA said the constituent, worried about their 16-week-old baby, contacted the out-of-hours service on Sunday, only to be told that no GPs were available in the county for the entire day and night. They were directed to Omagh instead.

In a statement to The Impartial Reporter, Miss Dolan highlighted the severity of the situation. "This constituent was understandably so concerned about her baby that she felt she had no other option than to pay £75 for an appointment with a private GP," she said. "The fact that a county with the population that we do was left without GP cover for what appears to be at least 36 hours is downright careless."

She acknowledged the broader challenges facing the healthcare system but emphasised the urgent need for action. "Although I know the Health Minister cannot fix our GP crisis overnight, I have written to him to ask him why this was allowed to happen and what he is going to do to ensure it doesn't happen again."

She also pointed out the financial strain this places on her constituents. "It is bad enough that my constituents are being forced to pay for private dental care; they should not be forced to pay for private doctor's appointments. People cannot afford to be paying for this, and inevitably our health will deteriorate if this two-tier health service continues."

Miss Dolan explained how the incident underscores the growing concerns over healthcare accessibility and the increasing reliance on private healthcare options, which many residents in Fermanagh cannot afford.