A charity that provides free family holidays in Fermanagh for those who have lost a child was chosen for a makeover.

Thanks to businesses banding together, Ellie’s Retreat, originally supported by Balcas in 2017, moved to a larger site at Castle Archdale and needed new decking and fencing.

Involved in the DIY SOS style makeover was AG Outside Rooms, who took the lead in digitally designing the nearly 90 sqm recreational space.

Una Mallon, HSEQ business partner at AG, said: "We recognise the significant impact that charities like Ellie’s Retreat have on families facing challenging times, and we are honoured to have been asked to contribute to the sanctuary they have founded.

(Image: Balcas)

"In partnership with some excellent local companies, we have developed an accessible and inviting environment for families in need of respite.”

Mannok supplied tarmac for a new entrance in stage 2 of the transformation.

Paula McCaffrey, marketing manager at Mannok, said: “As a company that is embedded in the community, it is important for us to help out where we can, and we recognise the vital role that Ellie’s Retreat plays in offering families who have lost a child an opportunity for a respite break and a chance for a bit of normality during the most difficult of times."

Heating for the retreat was sponsored by Encirc.

Mark Conway, communication and PR manager at Encirc, said: “Encirc is delighted to play a role in what has been a great collaboration by local businesses to help Ciara and Billy to upgrade Ellie's Retreat for the latest stage of this wonderful charity's journey.

"We have nothing but the highest admiration for the Nicholl family for having the foresight and courage to create a haven for those people suffering the loss of a child and dealing with unimaginable grief. It is a very fitting tribute to their own much loved and missed Ellie. We sincerely hope that Ellie's Retreat continues to go from strength to strength.

"Encirc is committed to having a social impact in the community we serve and to support a project such as this which will help so many people."

Once the outdoor works were completed Balcas could finally get in on the act by supplying the decking and timber to create a raised entrance, full length platform and additional seating area from which to enjoy the hustle and bustle from the front vista. Balcas is extraordinarily grateful to Brendan Bogie and Sean McCarron, who volunteered many hours to again create the finishing touches to add value to this now enviable property.

Roisin McManus, communications manager at Balcas, said: “It is a genuine joy to see our own products being used to help with initiatives that are important to our team as Ellie’s Retreat is.

“This brand-new site at Castle Archdale provided us the unique opportunity to bring other manufacturers on board to showcase what, together, local manufacturers can achieve and help those dedicated to helping others.”

Ciara Nicholl, who co-founded the retreat in honour of her daughter Ellie, said: "We simply could not do what we do for families without the support from our local community and for that we are truly grateful.

"It’s a testament to our Princess Ellie that the community has continued to carry her in their hearts and keeping her memory thriving by helping other bereaved families with a little respite in our beautiful and generous county continuing support.”