ULSTER Unionist MLA Tom Elliott has called on the agriculture minister to reinstate an independent advisory body to address the ongoing challenges posed by bovine Tuberculosis (bTB).

Responding to the query, Minister Andree Muir highlighted the role of the Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Partnership (TBEP), which was established in June 2018 to provide independent expert advice on developing and implementing a new bTB Eradication Strategy.

The tenure of the most recent TBEP members expired on December 31, 2023, following several extensions.

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has since commissioned an independent strategic review of the TBEP through the Strategic Investment Board (SIB).

"A draft report has been received from the SIB and is now nearly finalised," the Minister stated.

"This report will help inform decisions on the way forward."

Furthermore, the Minister has tasked the Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) with reviewing all aspects of the bTB programme and policy.

"I have asked my CVO to review and examine all matters relating to the bTB programme and policy, including the actions contained in the bTB Eradication Strategy and our approach to stakeholder engagement," Minister Muir added.