Education Minister Paul Givan has announced a series of initiatives aimed at better understanding and addressing anxiety among children in pre-school settings.

This move is expected to significantly benefit young children in Fermanagh, providing them with the support needed to foster healthy emotional development from an early age.

Responding to a query from Aliance MLA Kate Nicholl, Minister Givan outlined the comprehensive approach his department is taking to tackle this issue.

The Department of Education is actively involved in early years programmes, such as the Infant Mental Health Framework for Northern Ireland, the ‘Getting Ready’ Suite of Programmes, Sure Start, the Pre-school Education Programme, and the Healthy Child, Healthy Future (HCHF) initiative.

A key part of this strategy includes a refresh of the Department of Health’s Healthy Child Healthy Future framework. Department officials are contributing to the Programme Board and the Pre-School Group, shaping the future of the universal Child Health Promotion Programme in Northern Ireland.

This collaboration aims to create a cohesive strategy that addresses the emotional and mental well-being of children from birth through their early school years.

The Minister said while the primary focus of the Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Education Framework is on primary and post-primary students, its principles are equally relevant to early years settings.

This framework, which is based on cross-government policies, prepares children for life and learning, ensuring they are ready for school and equipped with a lifelong love of learning.

He added that a crucial element of this initiative is the Getting Ready to Learn (GRtL) programme, available to all funded pre-school settings.

This programme includes a 'Happy Healthy Kids' theme, specifically designed to support the physical and emotional development of pre-school age children.

Additionally, parents are provided with resources to help continue this learning at home, creating a supportive environment for children both in and out of school.


It is hoped the initiatives led by Minister Givan are set to provide essential support to young children in Fermanagh, ensuring they receive the necessary interventions to address anxiety and promote emotional well-being.