COUNCILLORS are to meet with Agriculture Minister Andrew Muir at the end of this month to discuss "a variety of agricultural policies".

At a full Council meeting last Thursday, Chief Executive Alison McCullagh informed Councillors that the Minister had agreed to meet on Thursday, August 29, from 4pm to 4.30pm. 

"This is in response to a previous request from the Council to discuss a variety of agricultural policies," Ms McCullagh said. 

Sinn Féin's Sheamus Greene welcomed the confirmation of the meeting and proposed that members of the Council's Agricultural Liaison Group should attend. 

"I am more than delighted to accept that meeting," he said. "I propose that members of the Agri Liaison group would be best placed to attend."

Seconding this proposal, Sinn Féin Councillor, Anthony Feely, said: "It is good that he (Minister Muir) has got back to us, and is going to meet us (in Cookstown), so we don't have to go all the way to Belfast."